Micah is a sweet boy. Hard to believe he is 6 months old. He started saying Da-Da, and is working on some teeth. He is happy to be in Daddy's chair and he found the remote- he is getting an early start onhogging the remote control!
Madeline and Mackenzie have been begging for us to let them have a lemonade stand, so Daddy gave in today. The girls wanted to sell their lemonade for 5 dollars a glass, but I finally convinced them 5 cents would be better. It was about 95* today so it was the perfect day for it. Unfortunately the only "customers" were mommy and daddy. Maddy was very sad that no one came to buy lemonade.
Maddy just had another report card- still getting all A's. She has learned to read this semester and is very excited. She brought home a paper with really good handwriting so I thought I would share it. She has really improved with her penmanship.
After I took the pictures of them on the slide Mackenzie got "tired" of holding Micah and let him go to see what would happen- thankfully Maddy had a hold of him and he was fine. Mackenzie found a new use for the hockey table- it has now become a large tea party with buffet!
It has been so nice out that after school I decided to take the kids for a walk to the park. I forgot how hot 85* can be. Next time we will wait till the sun goes down! The had a good time and Micah got his first experience on the slide. He's not to sure of all the sun, so I will have to get him a sun hat for next time.
Mackenzie is such a tom boy. She loves to play baseball with anything she can find. She brought out the princess wand to use as a bat. She even hit the bottom of her feet like the real players do before she got ready to swing her "bat".
Micah was 6 months old on Sunday. He went on Monday for his check-up and is very healthy. He weighs 20 pounds and is 27 inches long. He weighs more than his sister did at this age, and is shorter than they were. I thought I would try him out with some juice in a cup, and you can see by the pictures what he thought about that. The Cup I really don't want to try it Look no hands! I would rather throw it on the floor!
Now that Micah can roll over he decided to show everyone he can also sit up without support. I think he was a bit surprised by the fact- I know I was. Look- I can touch my toes!
This is the way I found Micah today during nap time. He had a firm grip on his toy, and his legs were hanging out of the crib. And yes he is wearing summer clothes, because it was 82 today. Sorry to those of you in the North who are freezing!
Micah has entered the fun stage of rolling over. I put him down for a nap yesterday, and after 20 minutes of crying I went to check on him and he wasn't where I had laid him. He managed to roll up into the corner of the crib and get stuck, and after that trick he hasn't stopped rolling. He received this little soft baseball from his dadd'y work and he loves it. As you can see he always has it with him. CATCH! It's Mine!