Many people have asked how school was going for us so I thought I would share what our days consist of. We start school at 9:00~ we are using Abeka DVD's and each of the girls has a desk and DVD player in their rooms. Morgan hangs out in her bouncy seat until we get things going, I pretty much bring her room to room with me ( I don't know what we will do when she gets mobile.) Micah loves Peter pan so he will sit and watch it until Mackenzie is through with school. Mackenzie is usually done in 2 hours so then the two of them go play together, and yes he watches Peter Pan everyday~ he loves it that much! Maddy takes a lot longer to do school, so we usually have lunch at noon and then she gets to play until Micah goes down for his nap at 1:30 and then she finishes school. Nap time is my favorite time of day, because sadly this is when I get my shower. The girls pretty much want me watching there every move so school is my life until the afternoon. I took a few pictures of the kids during a normal school day and you will be able to see why I have to be right there with them, one kid just can't be still.
I love Peter Pan!
This is how I found Mackenzie doing school~ she is a clown and can't sit still!
How she is supposed to be sitting
Maddy trying so hard to do well in penmenship, this is the only area she struggles in other than that she gets A's.