Friday, February 08, 2008

Party at Bath Junkie

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Mackenzie was invited to a birthday party at a place called the Bath Junkie~ definitely a girly-girl place. They were able to make their own bubble bath and lotion. Each were able to pick out there favorite scent and add it to the bath beads. It was alot of fun- and no place for a boy. Thus Micah spent most of the time confined to his stroller- way to much breakable stuff!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Click to play Klements Farm
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We went on a "field trip" to Klements Farm~ we took a hay ride through the orange groves, got to feed the animals, and at the end we each got a grapefruit and orange to take home. Micah was not real anxious to feed the animals, but he enjoyed the hay ride and was the only one to start throwing hay, he also kept throwing the oranges, as he thought they were balls.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Crazy hair and twin day

This week at school they are having different contests. For twin day Madeline and her good friend Camila were twins. Camila's mom bought them matching shirts, and they wore black skirts. Crazy hair day- well we did the best we could- Mackenzie has 6 ponytails in her hair.
Madeline ended up with 9 pony tails in her hair. She was so excited!
Silly sisters- we did a practice run the night before.

Learning to Color

Micah loves to go into Mackenzie's room and play, this morning he sat down at the table and tried to color all by himself.