Ronnie took a few days off and we went to San Antonio for a little vacation. We left on Friday morning and since it only takes 4 hours to get there we always make it in time for lunch. Our first stop is always Chipotle! We love that place and wish they would build one here. Then we went to Sea World. It was so hot and humid. We saw a new show and did a few kiddie rides and then went and saw the Shamu show Believe again. This time since it was so hot we wanted to sit down front so we could get wet. Big mistake! Micah and I got soaked- it was cold and very salty. And naturally the clouds had rolled in and cooled everything off so we were cold and wet. It started to rain just as we were leaving. We decided to take the kids to see the new movie Ratatouille. It was very good, and Micah sat through most of it. He kept trying to crawl over me and go see the people behind us. He is a major flirt and put on a show where ever we went. On Saturday we hit the outlet mall and then went to Chuck E Cheese's, another place I would love to have down here. After some more shopping we stopped again at Chipotle before heading home.

This woman was standing so still and never opened her eyes, every once in a while she would change poses, it was really neat. Mackenzie would not go near her.

This picture is for Heather and Adrian- the food was great guys!!!!!!!!