On Friday night my baby graduated from Kindergarten. I can't believe how quickly time has gone by. They each received their diploma and a beautiful Bible from the Pastor and their Teacher- Mrs. Harris.
Madeline's class put on a play "Little Bo Peep" for graduation. Madeline was Little Miss Muffet. It was a cute play and all the kids did a great job! Below is Little Miss Muffet and the Spider.
After Graduation we left for a few days in San Antonio. We went to Sea World on Saturday and Sunday and had a wonderful time. The weather wasn't too hot and on Sunday we did all the water rides and were soaked. The show Believe was our favorite as we were able to see Shamu.
Mackenzie finished her 20 week class at the Little Gym on Tuesday. The class put on a show of all the things they have learned. Mackenzie loves Gymnastics! The class~ Jack, Ashlin, Meagan, and Mackenzie. Mackenzie and her teacher Miss Sandy