Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sleepy head

Since we had been at the zoo Micah didn't get his usually two naps. I put him on the floor to play and when I came back a few minutes later he was out. This was about 7:30 and he slept straight till 7:30 a.m.--- I think he needs to visit the zoo more often!

The Pool

The pool opened on Saturday, and so after visiting the zoo we took the girls to cool off. The weather was about 88 and sunny, but the water was cold. It didn't bother them though and they swam for over an hour.

The Zoo

On Saturday we went to the zoo in Brownsville. We packed a lunch and ate at the park. The girls took their left over bread and fed the ducks. This particular duck had no fear and had chased Mackenizie up on top of the picnic table trying to get her bread.
The pink Flamingos are the girls favorite birds to look at, and the Monkeys are their favorite animal to watch.