We went to Austin for the 4th of July this year. Who knew it would be the hottest 4th of July on record there! It was 104* with an even higher heat index. We went to Ikea, ate at some favorite restaurants that we haven't had in a long time. Chipotle, Five Guys, and the Saltlick. We always stay at the Embassy Suites, and this one had 2 swans in the center as well as giant goldfish. We told Micah he was not allowed to feed them or throw anything at them. As soon as this picture was taken he picked up a rock and threw it in anyway. Needless to say he got in a lot of trouble. For the Fireworks we went to Lady Bird Park and listened to the Austin Symphony Orchestra and watched some very pretty fireworks. I forgot my camera so no pictures! Micah didn't like the fireworks and hid behind his hands the entire time, Morgan was sleeping and would look every once in awhile, but didn't really care.