Friday, February 01, 2008

Crazy hair and twin day

This week at school they are having different contests. For twin day Madeline and her good friend Camila were twins. Camila's mom bought them matching shirts, and they wore black skirts. Crazy hair day- well we did the best we could- Mackenzie has 6 ponytails in her hair.
Madeline ended up with 9 pony tails in her hair. She was so excited!
Silly sisters- we did a practice run the night before.


Kate Harley said...

Hope you won girls! You look great!

Kate Harley said...

i must say for a few mintues I didn't even recognize you girls..but wow you really look alike in the one picture..did you win??

Caleb and Emily's Mommy said...

Love the hair!

Frugal Father said...

They definetly have wild hair!!!! What fun they had doing it was worth it all.