Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mackenzie plays soccer

Mackenzie and her best friend Trista are on the same team, and for the most part run around holding hands and seeing who can be the fastest runner. Kenzie enjoyed the first game, but was disappointed that she didn't make a goal. She is extremely competitive for such a little thing. But for now I think the water breaks were her favorite part!

Maddy plays soccer

Maddy really enjoyed her first game, much more than we thought she would. She was nervous about all the people watching, but quickly got into the game. She and her friend Shanae are the only girls on the 1st and 2nd grade team.

The Game

After the game the game the girls were very hot, and sweaty!
Yum- snack time after the game!

Maddy's team tied and Mackenzie's team won- though Mackenzie doesn't think they won because she didn't make a goal- she doesn't quite get the "team" sport idea.

Soccer Uniforms

Today was the first soccer game. Madeline is #5 on the Hurricanes, and Mackenzie is #5 on the Tigers.

This and That

Micah has discovered that the cabinets open and make a great place to eat your snack. He also likes to take the plug to the blender and uses it as a telephone.
Friday was no uniform day, so the girls wore there school t-shirts.
Hanging out with Daddy

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Micah learns to feed himself

Micah is very interested in feeding himself, but since I hate the mess I usually don't let him. Yesterday he did a pretty good job of eating his yogurt all by himself.

The finally product -- yum, yum!

The Circus

On Monday a friend and I took our four girls, who are all the same age, and Micah to see the Circus. It was definitely no Ringling Brother's Circus! It was set at a racetrack in a dirt field and everything was behind wire fencing so the pictures did not turn out. Not that I could take many pictures as everyone was so indecently dressed. Most of them had little costumes that left little to the imagination- way to many g-stings for a circus! Anyway the kids had fun, and Micah liked the elephants alot.