Thursday, November 30, 2006


My Mom bought this outfit for Micah, I thought it was a little girly,(sorry mom) and when I put it on him Mackenzie said, "Wow he's beautiful!" I think that sums up the outfit.-- Nana it is cute- but I don't think Ron wants a "beautiful" boy.
Do I have to wear this?


Caleb and Emily's Mommy said...

Its a manly beautiful! Too cute, I love the hat! Nana did good no matter what Ronnie says!

kristin said...

Seeing i bought the outfit I deserve the chance to rebutal those comments Brodie!!. I agree with heather..thanks Heather for being on my side

B Scantlin said...

I'm with Ronnie on this one...looking for the flannels, jeans, and boots ; )