Thursday, March 01, 2007


I learned how to decorate cupcakes at a MOPS meeting today, and before we ate them I took a few photos. They are extremely easy to make and would be cute at any party. The candy combinations are a bit weird and they look better than they tasted.The bunny-- marshmallows cut in half dipped in sprinkles, m&ms , jellybeans, and more marshmallows.
the hamburger- vanilla cookies, choc. cookies, frosting, gum drops, another vanilla wafer, sprinkles.
the hot dog-- circus peanut, Carmel square, frosting, gumdrops. I tasted this one- Carmel and circus peanuts taste gross together!


Blakemore Family said...

Very cute, but don't sound too tasty!

kristin said...

tho they might not taste good I bet the girls loved are you going to let them make some?

Caleb and Emily's Mommy said...

Those are really cute cupcakes but I don't think I want to try them! You'll be on the Martha Stewart show before ya know it! :)