Madeline has had quite the attitude lately and tonight was no exception. She got in trouble for something and was sent to her room. After apologizing she announced to me that she was finding a new home, I said okay why? She said that there was to much obeying in this house and she was going to a new one. I said where? She said her new home was in her closet. Of course Mackenzie was not to be left out so she said she was going to. I found them in the closet with a bunch of there stuff. They decided they would have to eat and so they came to dinner, because there new house didn't have a kitchen. I guess the old house isn't so bad after all!
Sorry girls, you got a tough mommy. Better be good so you don't have to go live at Nana and Goppy's house:)
Yah!! You got all of your tickers up! I told you it was easy! And you are just so mean to the girls to make them move into the closet! They are so mistreated ;)!
I finally figured out how to leave comments now. micah is getting so big. I hope to get mine up to date so busy.
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