Thursday, May 10, 2007

Rice Crispy Treats

Mackenzie wanted to make Rice Crispy Treats today, so I let her make them all by herself. All I had to do was supervise her by the stove. She really loves to help in the kitchen and had a blast! Melting the marshmallows

Yum- Look what I made!


Frugal Father said...

MMmm! Good those look good!!! I need to wrok on Mollie in the kitchen. We do some but not alot of stove stuff. I am afraid! Thank the Lord for the Kitchen AId makes things so easy!!!

Kate Harley said...

You are so very brave letting her near the stove. Maybe she got moms genes for the cooking, Lord knows she didn't get it from us:)

kristin said...

Kenzie Nana is so proud of you for making those rice krispies treats!!
when nana comes down you will have to make them for us!! Good Job