Finally, Micah is able to sit up by himself and has started to crawl. Yeah! He is still going to see the Therapist on Friday, but we are happy he has started to move on his own!

Now he can get into everything-I am not sure if Mackenzie is helping him or just getting in the picture.

Hhmmm.... that table looks like a nice place to start.....
Yeah Micah! Time to give mommy a run for her money! Make sure you get into all your sisters stuff too...that makes the day so much more enjoyable for everyone:) Mason could really teach you a lot.
I told your Mommy you just wanted to take your time! Be sure to make lots of big messes and make mommy chase you all day!!
Silas just started crawling too and pullin gup a little bit. He was sitting up for awhile but now just started taking off. I put a coke on the floor and forget. Silly me well it was everywhere carpet and all.
Now the fun begins..ok Micah make lots of messes , your mommys little angel and she won't mind a bit!!! You can even hide in lots of places so mommy can have lots of fun finding you..but keep making your big sisters wait on you!!!
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