Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's a...........................


The doctor said everything looks good, and it was very evident that it was a girl. Due date is the 27th of June. Though I told my Doctor that the 16th was good for me- ( he will be on vacation in June through the 15th) so we will see.


kristin said...

Wow another baby girl looks like she is waving hello to us all. It brought tears to my eyes..Congrats Ron and Brodie!!

Kate Harley said...

Well I guess this just means you will have to go one more for another boy:) Congrats guys!

Kenny, Heather, Landon & Aniston said...

Congrats on another girl!! I just told Kenny I checked all the blogs today and that you're having a girl. His response - the Spivey's are pregnant again? Hope all is going smoothly - any names yet?

Unknown said...

Yeah!!! Now we have identical families! Micah will be fine... Cross is coping!!! I am so happy for you guys. I guess everyone needs to start looking for girl names in the "M" section!

Frugal Father said...

COngratulations!! You are opposite of me!!! It is so exciting to hear when someone you know is having a new little one

Caleb and Emily's Mommy said...

4 more and you could apply for your own TV show!

Esbenshade Boys said...

Congratulations on another baby girl! How wonderful. You might want to sent some of those "girl vibes" over our way!

marshan said...
