Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mackenzie's financial wisdom.........

The girls wanted to go to a school basketball game last night, but I didn't feel like dragging 3 kids to a game by myself, plus I had no cash on hand. I told them we couldn't go b/c I had no money. Mackenzie said "just go to the money store and buy some." I said money store? Where is that? She said " you know the place we go to and you put that thing (ATM card) in the box and money comes out, that's the money store!" To make them happy we decided to bake homemade chocolate chip cookies and watch the movie Annie. At the end of Annie Madeline said " That's one of those make you cry movies"--- she is so like my mom!


kristin said...

Don't we all wish we could go with Kenzie to the money store!!! I like her thinking.
Maddy you just have a tender heart like your nana!!

Kate Harley said...

I like Mackenzie's thinking...I want to go wherever you go to get money!! And as far as Maddy and Nana go.....all I can say is... HA HA HA!!!! God sure does have a sense of humor!