Wednesday, April 23, 2008

School 2008-2009

So we have joined the ranks of the homeschool crowd. Our books came in and the girls were really excited. It will be a big change for both of them as they love school, but for now this is the best decision. We will be doing the Abeka DVD program, as I don't want to lose my sanity with four kids underfoot all day!


kristin said...

Think you will do just fine !!

Caleb and Emily's Mommy said...

Good luck! I noticed the picture of Maddy on the table. I remember the day that I took that picture! Caleb was 3 months old and we had all gone to Cox Farms. It seems like just yesterday. Man I miss you guys!

MamaNan said...
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Kenny, Heather, Landon & Aniston said...

You are brave!! I'm sure they'll love the abeka DVD's and you'll love the extra time with them! We'd love an invite whenever you go private-

MamaNan said...
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