Since Mackenzie's birthday falls after school is out, we had a little party for her at school on Friday. We had pizza and cupcakes, and she now has her own pile of the Littlest Pet shop toys to play with.

Mackenzie really likes Care Bears and I couldn't find party hats so I got these Care Bear masks instead~ I told the kids to growl like a bear which they totally got into.

Friday night was the kindergarten graduation and Mackenzie's teacher had asked if she could be apart of the graduation. She sang songs and quoted some things she has learned, she was the only K-4 student to participate.
Cool party masks Kenz! Hope you have a really fun birthday in June.
wish we could have heard you say your part Kenzie..hopefully mom taped it!!
You need to post a belly shot! You made me post one of my big ol' baby belly so now I want to see yours!
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