I took all the kids to the Dr. today for their well-baby/child visits. We also started homeschooling today. School went well~ Mackenzie was a little bored, as she said, "I all ready know all this stuff." Hopefully it will get a little harder for her so she stays interested. Here are pictures of the kids and there statistics. (For Nana's benefit)
Madeline age 7 is 51 in. tall and weighs 56 pounds Mackenzie is 5 years old and is 44 in. tall and weighs 44 pounds.Micah is age 2~36 inches tall and weighs 30 pounds. Morgan is 9 weeks old as is a PIG!!! She weighs 13.9 pounds and is only 22 inches!
that Mackenzie asked Jesus into her heart last night! Now we just have two more kids to go~ we also need to work on the idea of baptism with both the girls.
Micah loved the tire swing, I didn't get a picture of the girls, but there Goppy would swing them so high I couldn't watch~ I was certain someone was going to get hurt.Whee~ higher Daddy
but I thought I would share a few things. First Micah decided to give up his paci on all his own! It made me very sad, even though I knew it was time. But after I had bought him a new one he took one look at it and said no Mom, and he hasn't had it since, it's been about 2 weeks now. Then while we were at my mom's I decided we should get a family picture since the last family picture we only had 2 kids. Do you know how hard it is trying to coordinate six people! We decided to go with brown and pink for the colors, well I couldn't find the girls shirts in pink so we ended up with a teal blue and brown. The day of the picture I realized that my shirt had a hole in it where they put the tag so I had to return it and get a new one. Five minutes before we were to leave Morgan threw up on her shirt~ we did a quick wash and had it air dry all the way to the photo studio. We arrived early at the photo studio and just as the lady got ready to call us, Ronnie looked down and Micah had peed threw his shorts! My mom was able to find him another pair ( we were in Kmart at Olan mills). We then sat down for one shot of all of us together before the baby needed to eat. So while I fed here we got pictures of all the kids. As we got ready to take another family shot Morgan threw up and the picture lady caught it! It was definitely an experience! We ended up with some really nice photos which I will post when they get here. We will be gone another week and then I will post pictures of our vacation!