Monday, August 25, 2008

Dr. Visits

I took all the kids to the Dr. today for their well-baby/child visits. We also started homeschooling today. School went well~ Mackenzie was a little bored, as she said, "I all ready know all this stuff." Hopefully it will get a little harder for her so she stays interested. Here are pictures of the kids and there statistics. (For Nana's benefit)
Madeline age 7 is 51 in. tall and weighs 56 pounds
Mackenzie is 5 years old and is 44 in. tall and weighs 44 pounds. Micah is age 2~36 inches tall and weighs 30 pounds.
Morgan is 9 weeks old as is a PIG!!! She weighs 13.9 pounds and is only 22 inches!
Something to play with!


Kate Harley said...

Love the cheeks! How's teacher Spivey girls?

kristin said...

When Morgan grows up she can compare your circus lady picture brodie and her adorable ones..and see who had the most roles:) Love the pic!!