Maddy wanted to start having Family night once a week, and this week we got out the puzzle she received for Christmas. The puzzle has 550 small pieces, it's gonna take awhile! Morgan had to sit in the living room and play, which she loves to sit and play by herself.

Micah was not happy, because we weren't letting him help, after standing up on the table and hitting his head on the light, which broke the light bulb, he ended up going to bed, so much for family night!

The start of the puzzle- I will post a picture of the final product- whenever that maybe.
Family night always turns into a disaster at our house:) Mason and Micah could be twins! Let's send them to live with mom!!!
very funny you guys..send those M&M cousins to us whenever:)...tell maddy goppy will be glad to do a puzzle with her
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